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FYWS Get with the GOATS: Writing like the Greats: Evaluating Resources

Criteria for Evaluation


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CRAAP Examples

Article in a Database*


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*Although not included here, you can check the article's bibliography to help determine accuracy.



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Scholarly, Practitioner, or Popular?

Scholarly (Peer-reviewed) Journals
  • Written by an expert or specialist in the field
  • Written for scholars and other academics, using jargon specific to the field
  • Presents research findings and theories related to a particular field or discipline
  • Includes bibliography and/or footnotes

Practitioner (Trade) Journals

  • Written by a practitioner in the field or specialized journalist
  • Reports on news and trends in a particular industry or business
  • Provide advice to people who work in a particular field

Popular Magazines
  • Written by a staff writer or journalist
  • Written to inform and entertain
  • Covers popular issues and popular culture
  • Written for a general, mass audience