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BUS 209 Intro to Sales: APA

APA Subjects

APA is most often used in the social sciences. Subject areas that are likely to use APA style include:

  • Acct. & Business
  • Communication
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Exercise & Sports Science
  • Music
  • Nursing
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Sport Management

Note: If you aren't sure which citation style to use, check with your instructor.

Zotero Citation Management

Zotero is an application that collects, manages, and cites research sources. It's easy to use, connects with your web browser to download sources, and best of all it's FREE! See the Zotero Guide for more information.

EndNote Citation Management

EndNote is a software for organizing research and citations as you conduct your research and for generating citations as you write. You can obtain the basic version for free but the full version must be purchased, although student discounts are available. EndNote Basic details. 

APA Manual

Call Number: Ref 808.066 P96a7

A copy is available in Funderburg Library for your use. If you need help locating this item, please ask at the main desk.

Basic Citation Examples

APA Citation uses a combination of in-text citation and a reference page at the end of the paper - Not footnotes.

In-text Citation 

If you use a direct quote from an article with quotation marks or rephrase information found in an article, you must cite the source with an in-text citation. The source of the information must be cited at the end of the sentence containing the referenced information. An in-text citation is given by noting in parentheses the author's name and the page number of the book where the quote is found.

Example: The author writes, "Sports psychology is a field that tries to understand the mental states of athletes, coaches, and teams" (Peterson, 1)..

Reference Page

APA Basic Electronic Citation Format Pattern: [Author last name], [First initial]. [Middle initial].
   ([Publication year]). [Title of article]. [Title of journal], [Volume number] ([Issue number]), [Page
   number starts]-[ends]. [Document Object Identifier]


Petersen, L. (2024). Sports psychology: mental resilience and performance in elite athletes. Journal
   of Sport Psychology / Revista de Psicología Del Deporte
, 33(2), 271–279. Retrieved November 14,
   2024, from

Introduction to APA Citation Style

Introduction to Citation Styles: APA 7th ed.CC) from CSUDH Library on YouTube