Place quotation marks around phrases of more than 1 word when searching. (EX: "classroom management") The list below includes topic/keyword ideas for beginning education research.
When using an EBSCO database to search subject terms, change the "Select a Field" option to indicate "SU Subject Terms." Place quotation marks around your subject terms as indicated above.
Find ideas in the syllabus, your text, class discussion, or Google News.
   Narrow down a broad topic by asking yourself
   the 5 W's: who? what? where? when? why?
   As you search the databases, looking at
   subject headings and abstracts can help you
                focus your topic.
Using Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT) with your keywords will help you narrow or expand your results.
The highlighted middle section represents the use of AND. Searching for poverty AND addiction will give you results with both words present. Therefore, your results are fewer.
Using OR between similar keywords will give you results that include both words. Therefore, your results are greater. A search for teenagers OR adolescents will retrieve either or both terms.
The NOT operator gives you results from only one of your words. Therefore, your results are fewer. Searching for addiction NOT alcohol will eliminate alcohol from the results.
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