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Chemistry Resource Guide: MLA

A guide from Funderburg Library on how to use library resources to do research for your classes in chemistry..

MLA Subjects

MLA is most often used in the humanities. Subject areas that are likely to use MLA style include:

  • Acct. & Business
  • Art
  • Biology
  • English
  • FYS
  • Modern Languages
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Religion

Note: If you aren't sure which citation style to use, check with your instructor.

MLA Handbook

Available in Funderburg Library:
Ref 808.027 M6995m8

Basic Citation Examples

Article from an Online Database


Author. "Article Title." Journal/Magazine Title, vol. xx, no. x, day month year, pp. xx-xx. Database,
     doi. Accessed day month year.


Gadow, Kenneth D., and Joyce Sprafkin. "Television 'Violence' and Children with Emotional and
     Behavioral Disorders." Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders, vol. 1, no. 1,
     Jan. 1993, p. 54, Academic Search Complete, doi:10.1177/106342669300100108. Accessed 14 April 2020.

Electronic Book


Author. Title. E-book, Publisher, Date.


Sender, Katherine. The Makeover : Reality Television and Reflexive Audiences. E-book, NYU Press,