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ESS 113: Emergency Care for the Physically Active: Websites

Exercise Physiology Associations & Resources

How "Search" Works

Video by Google

Google & Google Scholar Search Tips

Google Search Tips:

When searching ...

  1. Use your search terms along with to show results from sites like PubMed Central, the CDC, etc.
    .gov search
    Click image to view larger
  2. Want full text right away? Use filetype:pdf along with your search terms to view results in PDF format.
    filetype:pdf search
    Click image to view larger


Google Scholar Search Tips:

When searching ...

  1. If you're on a networked Manchester computer or using Manchester's WiFi, full text articles are automatically linked to Manchester's databases when available. If you'd like this option to appear on your personal computers off the network, see a librarian for assistance in setting it up. 
    full text google scholar
    Click image to view larger
  2. Did you find a fantastic article on Google Scholar and want more like it? Take a look at the Cited By section. This link re-routes you to a new list of results containing articles indexed in Google Scholar that have cited this particular article. NOTE: You can do the same with articles found in our library databases. Simply search Google Scholar for the title of the article and look for the cited by option if available.
    cited by google scholar search
    Click image to view larger
  3. Similarly, the Related Articles option links to similar articles based on your search terms - which for this example includes terms such as physiological response and exercise.
    related articles google scholar search
    Click image to view larger
  4. You have access to citation information. Click the Cite option to generate citations for the article in popular style formats such as MLA, APA, and Chicago. Keep in mind, citations are never perfect and should be checked for errors. Additionally, when copying/pasting into a word document, additional formatting will be needed to comply with your citation style formatting requirements.

CRAAP Test Checklist

What's CRAAP? Evaluation of Resources

Video by Western University's Library