Searching EBSCO Databases:
After clicking on Academic Search Complete, all recommended EBSCO databases* (so marked) can be searched simultaneously by clicking "Choose Databases," checking the box next to the database name and clicking OK.
This multi-disciplinary, full-text database provides full-text journal coverage for nearly all academic areas of study as well as nearly 4,000 full-text scholarly publications.
Find subject headings in the online catalog:
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Find subject headings in EBSCO databases:
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Use advanced search:
Using Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT) with your keywords will help you narrow or expand your results.
The highlighted middle section represents the use of AND. Searching for poverty AND addiction will give you results with both words present. Therefore, your results are fewer.
Using OR between similar keywords will give you results that include both words. Therefore, your results are greater. A search for teenagers OR adolescents will retrieve either or both terms.
The NOT operator gives you results from only one of your words. Therefore, your results are fewer. Searching for addiction NOT alcohol will eliminate alcohol from the results.
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click once with magnifying glass to enlarge.
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