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SOC 101: Intro to Sociology: Poster Presentation Assignment

Poster Presentation Assignment Objectives

Poster Presentation Assignment Objectives:
For this particular assignment, you will be asked to:

  • Browse the Sociological Images blog
  • Select one image that uses:
    • Sex, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, and/or class
    • Examine how one or more of the characteristics are presented/referenced in the image
  • Select four additional images in your own environment that complement the one chosen initially. Consider:
    • Ads that use the same characteristics in the same way
    • Ads that use the same characteristics different ways
    • Ads for the exact same product targeted to a different audience
  • Design an academic-style poster to be presented during class


Poster Creation with PowerPoint

PowerPoint Poster Templates

CLICK HERE to download this template
CLICK HERE to download this template
CLICK HERE to download this template
CLICK HERE to download this template
When your poster is complete, Save As PDF. Review the PDF file prior to sending to your professor for printing.

Infographic Creation With Canva

I'm in LOVE with Canva for graphic creation. Canva recently released a new infographic feature that allows you to visually represent your data. Consider using an infographic within your poster for more visual effect. Use the resources below to get started with Canva.

Canva Tutorial: Create a Slick Infographic in 15 Minutes



Tutorial: How To Create An Infographic In Minutes
 Source: Kimberly Ann Jimenez, 

Library Session Worksheet

Resources to Consult

Resources to Consult:


Searching Contexts Magazine with Keywords...

  1. Begin to scroll down the page.
  2. A search box will appear at the top right
  3. Enter your search terms and choose In This Journal from the relevance menu that appears

Tips for Creating a Great Academic Poster

Tips for Poster Creation
The poster you create should summarize information or research concisely and attractively through the use of brief text, tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats. Consider the following:

  • Short titles for section headings that draw interest
  • Text is clear, to the point, and readable from a distance
  • Use of bullets for reading ease
  • Effective use of graphics, color, and fonts
  • Consistent and clean layout reading from top left to bottom right
  • Inclusion of citations, your name, and institution

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • What is the most important/interesting finding from my research?
  • How can I visually represent that important/interesting finding? (charts, graphs, images, infographic?)