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Religion: Evaluating Resources

Scholarly Articles

Characteristics of Scholarly Articles CRAAP Test Elements
  • Author is an expert or specialist in the field
  • Written for scholars and other academics, using jargon specific to the field
  • Written to present research findings and theories related to a particular field or discipline
  • Includes bibliography and/or footnotes
  • Published in a peer-reviewed journal


  • Currency: see publication date (Source)
  • Relevance: see Subject Terms and Abstract
  • Authority: see Source and Author Affiliations
  • Accuracy: see Bibliography and/or Footnotes
  • Purpose: see Abstract

Criteria for Evaluation

Does it pass the

  • Currency
  • Relevance
  • Authority
  • Accuracy
  • Purpose

(Thanks to Meriam Library University of California, Chico)

Evaluating Sources - Guest Video

Video by Western University's Library