Stop 2: Paris, France

L'Arc de Triomphe
- Navigate to the library homepage.
- Click the Spartan Search "Articles" tab and enter the word success, followed by the word AND in all caps, and then use one of your keywords from stop one. Click Search.
(Example: success AND happiness)
- On the left side of the page, scroll down and look at the Year section. Choose Last 10 Years to narrow your results to more current information sources.
- Look through the list of results and find an article that addresses your topic. (There's really no right or wrong answer here.)
- Click the Title of the article to open the record.
- Record the following items on your digital passport:
- The Words you used when searching
- Author(s) (list the names you see)
- Creation Date (if no date is found, record n.d. on your passport)
- Title of the article
- Journal Name (found on the same line as the volume, issue, and page numbers)
- Volume Number
- Issue Number
- Page or Page Range
- Record whether Manchester University has this item.
Look for the Access Online button and the wording Held by: Manchester University Library
When you have finished this task, ask your librarian to authorize clearance to your next destination!