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ENG 103: First Year Seminar Writing Lab: Stop 3: Toronto, Ontario

EBSCO Article Searching

Stop 3: Toronto, Ontario

CN Tower


  1. Navigate back to the library homepage.
  2. Click the A-Z List of Databases link in the Library Links menu on the left.
  3. Choose Academic Search Premier from the alphabetical list of databases.
    A link to Academic Search Premier is also available in the library links menu, but I want you to be aware of this full listing of databases.
  4. Under the search box, click Advanced Search to enter multiple keywords.
  5. Type success in the top box, and choose a different keyword from your first destination to type in the middle box.  Record your search terms on your digital passport, and click search.
  6. On the left side of the page, narrow your results to Full Text, move the slider to reflect 2009-2019, and click Update.
  7. Find an article that addresses your topic and click the title to open it.
  8. On the left side of the page, click Detailed Record to view the details of your article.
  9. Record the following items on your digital passport:
    1. Author(s)
    2. Date (if no date is found, record n.d. on your passport)
    3. Title of Article
    4. Title of Journal Publication (HINT: look for the source heading in the detailed record)
    5. Volume Number
    6. Issue Number
    7. Page or Page Range
    8. Name of Database Used (This is in green above the search boxes)
  10. On the right side of the page, look at the list of Tools. Click the Cite option, scroll through to locate the MLA citation format, and copy the citation. Record your citation on your digital passport.


When you have finished this task, ask your librarian to authorize clearance to your next destination!
