This page contains information on finding information about specific companies. Perhaps you are doing a market analysis or prospecting for sales leads. By researching a company you can learn about a company's structure, the identities of its executives, financial performance, trends, recent news and issues facing the company. When performing company research, it is important to know whether or not a company is public or private.
Mergent Intellect can be used to find financial information, executive details and corporate structure.
Mergent Intellect Help Guides Use the instructions found in these guides to get the most out of this search engine.
Also contains Dun & Bradstreet Industry Reports.
Click image to enlarge.
EBSCO's Business Source Complete includes company profile MarketLine reports and Barnes Reports in addition to business-related articles from scholarly and trade publication journals.
Step 1: Browse or Search for an Industry by keyword or NAICS code
Here is an example of searching by NAICS code
Step 2: Limit your results by Source Types. Choose Industry Profiles (where you will find Marketline and Barnes Reports).
Questions To Ask When Researching a Company:
S.E.C. Company Analysis...
The Securities & Exchange Commission documents can further help to develop the analysis of your company. Below is a listing of helpful S.E.C. search tools:
Public Companies: Trade on stock exchanges and issue stocks.
Private Companies: Do not trade on stock exchanges.
Determining Public Vs. Private Companies...