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MBA Resource Guide: Business News Research

A resource for conducting research and accessing library resources for the Masters of Business Administration academic program.

Business News Resources

This page provides tips and sources for reading current business news written by journalists and business professionals. News resources are published at a much faster speed than analysts reports or scholarly articles so they are useful for gaining very current information although they may not contain as much depth as other sources. These sources should also be evaluated for accuracy and for bias as an important part of news literacy is critical reading and verification. 

Sources and Instructions for Business News Research

Online newspapers may ask you to subscribe for full access. However, many newspapers will allow you to create a free user account for access to a limited number of free articles per month and an opportunity to subscribe to informative newsletters.

Possible Keyword Searches:

  • _______ industry
  • economic forecast(ing)
  • competition
  • trends
  • predictions
  • marketshare
  • rank OR ranking
  • leaders
  • new products
  • product introduction

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News Research

Keep in Mind...

  • When researching industry and company news, anything older than 6 months is considered out-dated information. 

News, Trends & Forecast Searching...

  • Search Business Source Complete under the industry name or SIC/NAICS codes when possible
  • Add additional keywords to your search such as: trends, forecasts, predictions, etc.

Market Share Searching...

  • Search Business Source Complete under the industry name or SIC/NAICS codes when possible
  • Add additional keywords to your search such as: market sharerank or ranking, and top or leaders

Financial Information Searching...

  • Utilize the Value Line Investment Survey to search the industry coverage of 95 industries 

Innovation Searching...

  • Search Business Source Complete under the industry name or SIC/NAICS codes when possible
  • Add additional keywords to your search such as: new productsproduct introduction, etc.

Legal Issues Searching...